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The War on Vaccination

The War on Vaccination

The statement above implies or depicts a picture of actually a war on Covid-19 vaccinations that have been developed the world over by various global leading medicine manufacturers.

There has been serious misgivings about the emergence of vaccines against Covid-19. In South Africa, for instance, Covid-19 vaccines have been termed 666, the Anti-Christ, in other speculations, it has been said the vaccines are there to destabilise the entire African population. Other misnomer have been that Technology giant and philanthropist, Bill Gates, wants the reduction of the African population.

It is thus the Anti-Vaccination Movement who we shall refer to as Anti-Vaxxers have emerged with a strong stance against vaccination and the Pro-vaccination Movement who simply want their lives to return to normal have also taken their own stance supporting the medicine that will assist in the control of the coronavirus.

In this episode the we will simplify the myth against vaccination so that everyone understands the concept and reasons why there is a need to get vaccinated.

*It must be noted that currently no one person is forced to receive the vaccine if they don't wish to.*

The Anti-Vaxxers are doing transference of their inner feeling and anxiety to others without accepting consequences of their decisions.

The following examples will attempt to simplify the reasons for one to take the vaccination.

  1. In the first wave in Europe everyone over the age of 65 years or coming from a Nursing Home was never admitted into hospital if they had Covid-19 symptoms because it was envisaged that they would take up hospital space but eventually die. These people were considered high risk and hospitals did not have enough ventilators for them.
  2. From the 1st Covid-19 pandemic lessons have been learnt to the effect that its known that there are some people who are more likely to die because of the underlying medical problems. Examples would be patients with diabetes irrespective of age, patients with uncontrolled high blood pressure, patients who have got a cancer diagnosis in the past year, patients who are overweight, obese as well as smokers.
Low Risk People

Children below the age of 18 years have been found to be at lower risk were they to contract Covid-19 illness. However from children who have contracted the virus a very small proportion of them have ended up in intensive care unit.

Of those who ended up in the intensive care unit they had underlying medical problems.

Therefore the younger you are the less risk you are and a higher chance of surviving Covid-19 illness.

The same applies to various age groups going into the 30s, 40s, 50s and even 60s, if one does not have any underlying medical problems, even if they were to contract Covid-19 they are in a better position of surviving than anyone with the risk factors mentioned above.

Why Should we be Vaccinated?

Ask yourself the same question. It is you making the final informed decision.

If you were a patient with diabetes and you know that once contracting Covid-19 you will die and then someone brings the vaccine which will save you from the worst illness and recover or even prevent you from having the illness in the first place, what would you do?

Go for the Vaccine!!
  1. Imagine a frontline health worker taking care of Covid-19 patients just like what Dr. Mamvura does, and it is evident that they contract Covid-19 virus even though it may cause less severe illness but may end up in same situation as patients and may end up sharing the same Ward in the hospital, for that reason being vaccinated is the correct option.
  2. A young fit and healthy lad with no problems but ha parents and relatives who are diabetic, have hypertension and some are smokers or work in a nursing home or in a care home where there interaction with the vulnerable people. This means if you contract Covid-19 and remain asymptomatic (remember 47% of patients who transmit Covid-19 do not have any symptoms at all) you will affect the vulnerable.

Ask yourself this question, "How would I feel if I am the one who transmitted Covid-19 to my relative with asthma, diabetes, hypertension or cancer who will end up dead?"

So guess it's wise to get the vaccination. 💉 

Why is there a much discussion about the Anti-Vaxxers and Pro-vaccination movement. The biggest reason is that the Anti-Vaxxers have plenty of un-answered questions. It's not ignorance. They have genuine questions which if un-answered cause a lot of anxiety and the way to get a quick response in modern world is to use Social Media.

About the author

Dr Fanwell Mamvura

Dr Fanwell Mamvura

A Zimbabwean trained medical doctor, a Physician, currently living and working in the United Kingdom. He brings in a lot of knowledge and experience from his role as a Covid-19 front-line worker.

Seeing and managing patients affected with Covid-19 from its craddle in Feb-March 2020, up to now has empowered him with knowledge to share his on-going experience on his blogs.

He acknowledges that understanding Covid-19 and its complications is a learning process for him and every individual. He appreciates that collating information on this menace will eventually lead to science driven outcomes and a better future.

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